
The perception of Kirkby

On Friday, Kirkby Residents Action Group (KRAG) called a number of witnesses, speaking on a variety of issues.The loss of green space and an increase in anti-social behaviour were two major concerns, Buy Fifa 16 Coins while deficiencies in the consultation process between Knowsley Borough Council, Tesco and local residents were also to the fore.

The perception of Kirkby as a deprived area was also challenged.First on Friday, Stephen McCormick, vice chair of KRAG, introduced James Gittins - a local resident who had lived in Kirkby for over forty years.He said he had also been a football supporter and had travelled to many away games, had seen many international stadia and was  FIFA miliar with what was on offer for a football supporter.He said he had attended most of the consultation events to consider the effects of the football stadium on Kirkby.

He felt he needed to find out more as he felt he had not received answers to questions he had asked on the transport issues raised by the stadium.He said KRAG believed the accessibility to the stadium by other means of transport than the car was a fundamental consideration. He said using public transport was a giant leap for some people and needed to Fifa 16 Coins  be easy.

