
The match against the others

The match against the others ...After FIFA 13 was already repeatedly praised to the sky completely, I would like to  Fifa 16 Coins  make a brief review of multiplayer part of this game.

Now it is so that FIFA 13 is basically a very sophisticated game, which is due to developers who now times have more than 20 years of experience in developing football games. Much is done right, a few things are awkward and a few things did not go times.

FIFA 12 AI defences was often dubious at best. Not all the best with the release of last year, and many players I talked / I think this last defense against worse in FIFA 13 Add that with guard, constantly out of Buy Fifa 16 Coins  position and it is almost impossible blunders of a bathing beach, and you have a recipe for an arcade game, rather than something like a realistic simulation.

