Ultimately, recommending Buy Fifa 16 Coins comes down to where gamers stand with the series. Those who skipped last year's game in the hopes that this would be the must-have next-gen experience will be dooly rewarded with a better looking and better playing game.
Similarly, any fans who have fallen off the wagon will come away impressed by the package EA Sports has put together. However, since FIFA 14 was no slouch it's hard to say FIFA 15 is a definitive must own. The lack of new modes or significant changes to those modes is disappointing, and we suspect those areas will be getting some attention next year.
And the keeper and team AI will only get better a second year out. Even so, FIFA 15 is enough of an all around improvement to be worth the $60 purchase. It truly is impressive how great the game looks, and it plays even better. If the goal was to prove that FIFA is only pushing forward in Fifa 16 Coins the next-gen then mission accomplished.